
For a complete list of publications see: Google Scholar; NCBI Bibliography


YAP condensates are highly organized hubs

Siyuan Hao, Ye Jin Lee, Nadav Benhamou Goldfajn, Eduardo Flores, Jindayi Liang, Hannah Fuehrer, Justin Demmerle, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Zhe Liu, Shahar Sukenik, Danfeng Cai

iScience, 2024


Membrane-less compartments in the nucleus: Separated or connected phases?

Liang J, Cai D

Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 2023


YAP condensates are highly organized hubs for YAP/TEAD transcription

Siyuan Hao, Hannah Fuehrer, Eduardo Flores, Justin Demmerle, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Zhe Liu, Shahar Sukenik, Danfeng Cai

BioRxiv, 2022


Roles of YAP/TAZ in Ferroptosis

Magesh, S. and Cai, D.

Trends in Cell Biology, 2022


Biomolecular Condensates and Their Links to Cancer Progression.

Cai, D., Liu, Z. and Lippincott-Schwartz, J.

Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 2021

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Phase separation of YAP reorganizes genome topology for long-term YAP target gene expression.

Cai, D., D. Feliciano, P. Dong, E. Flores, M. Gruebele, N. Porat-Shliom, S. Sukenik, Z. Liu and J. Lippincott-Schwartz

Nature Cell Biology, 2019

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Modeling and analysis of collective cell migration in an in vivo three-dimensional environment.

Cai, D., Dai, W., Prasad, M., Luo, J., Gov, N.S., and Montell, D.J.

PNAS, 2016

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Mechanical feedback through E-cadherin promotes direction sensing during collective cell migration.

Cai, D., Chen, S.C., Prasad, M., He, L., Wang, X., Choesmel-Cadamuro, V., Sawyer, J.K., Danuser, G., and Montell, D.J.

Cell, 2014

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Diverse and dynamic sources and sinks in gradient formation and directed migration.

Cai, D., and Montell, D.J.

Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 2014


Border Cell Migration: A Model System for Live Imaging and Genetic Analysis of Collective Cell Movement.

Prasad, M., Wang, X., He, L., Cai, D., and Montell, D.J.

Methods in Molecular Biology, 2015